6 month check up

Alivia had her checkup last week and...she is growing too fast (at least for me)! She was weighed on the little baby scale...which i dunno if any other moms out there do this but every time they tell me to take her diaper off i say a little prayer that she doesn't pee or poo on the scale..lol...sounds silly but makes me nervous every time! Anyhoo...she weighs 15lbs 3oz, and 26inches long and her head is 17 inches around. That puts her in the 25% for weight, and 75% for hight and head. So all in all Alivia is growing and developing very well.

How cute is she? gotta love the attitude with the tongue.

We had a very exciting day in our house April 11, 2011....Alivia finally rolled over from her back to her tummy, and that day she also rolled from her tummy to her back! I thought she would never roll over...and she would be walking before crawling. A few days after the exciting day she began to scoot...however it is backwards..lol..which really makes her mad because she really wants to get her toys.

Look how flexible i am mom...lol

What a happy girl!

Alivia has also begun to sit on her own...for a couple seconds. It is really hard to believe she is growing up so fast!!

And i almost forgot the most important development yet....the hair has begun to grow!! Whoo hoo it will not be long now... i can see bows and hair pretties in her future!

Well i better close this, i hear her squawking.
